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Dental Services


"We utilize the latest technologies to help enhance the smiles and oral health of our patients"

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Free Dental Consultation

Your first visit to our office is very important with regard to establishing your oral health baseline. We will begin by carefully reviewing your medical and dental histories and taking special note of all your dental concerns, as well as any symptoms that you may be experiencing. This will be followed by a thorough clinical examination, including an oral cancer screening, periodontal evaluation, an analysis of your occlusion (bite) plus a thorough examination of your teeth, their supporting structures, and the complete orofacial area. Any needed diagnostic dental films will be taken at this time. 


CLEANING I scaling &polishing 

Teeth Cleaning or Scaling

Hygiene & cleaning services are a great way to keep your teeth clean, keep your breath fresh and remove stubborn stains.​ Beautiful, clean teeth are key to the way we look and feel about ourselves and how others see us.  We all try to look after our teeth: we brush, we floss, we use mouthwash regularly, but sometimes that isn’t enough to remove the toughest plaque deposits and give a polished smile. Best Dentist LLC Dubai offers a new approach to dentistry which takes away the irritations of traditional practices to make professional dental care truly accessible.


Tooth filling

White Tooth Fillings

​Dental Fillings are the most common type of dental restoration used to replace sections of teeth that are missing, damaged or decayed. While traditional dental materials like gold, amalgam, porcelain, and composite successfully restore teeth; recent advances in dental technology have made a wider and improved selection of restorative choices available. Some of the newest state-of-the-art filling materials including ceramic and the latest composite materials, are not only strong and durable, they offer the most aesthetically pleasing and natural looking results.  


Dental Crowns & Dental Bridges

TEETH CROWNS & bridges

 In addition to restoring a single natural tooth, crowns can be used in other situations including being the supporting ends of dental bridge, covering dental implants, or as coverage for a cracked tooth to prevent further breakdown. A crown may also be indicated when a discolored or stained tooth needs to be restored to its natural appearance. Crowns can be made of either porcelain baked onto a metal substrate, all-porcelain, or many of the new ceramic materials that have been developed. 


Root canal

Endodontic Care

A root canal is performed when there is enough sound root and crown structure remaining to eventually restore form and function to the involved tooth. Inside every tooth is either a single central chamber or multiple ones that contain connective tissue, a nerve supply, and blood vessels. A root canal procedure is required when this dental pulp is irreversibly damaged or has died. Root canal therapy involves cleaning and shaping each canal, and then filling them with a special inert material. Following this they are sealed to prevent any subsequent infection. Once root canal therapy has been completed, the tooth should be fully restored as recommended.  



Fixed & Removable Retainers

A retainer is a custom-made appliance that needs to be worn once you have finished straightening your teeth and have had your braces removed. This helps to prevent the chance of a relapse, where the straightened teeth will begin to return to their original positions. In addition retainers can also be used to treat minor orthodontic issues. Some retainers are removable while others are bonded into position on the inside of the teeth where they are virtually invisible. Some people may be recommended to wear more than one type of retainer to help prevent the chance of a relapse. Most people will need to wear a retainer all of the time for at least the first six months after having the braces removed. After this the retainer needs to be worn regularly, generally every night.



Complete or Partial Dentures

A complete denture refers to the replacement all of the teeth in a dental arch. It can be inserted either of two ways. It can be inserted some weeks after the extraction sites and all of the surgical procedures have had a chance to heal, or as an “immediate” denture placed the same day the last remaining teeth are extracted. Although an immediate denture offers the advantage of not having to go without teeth for any period of time, it can require multiple adjustments as the tissues remodel and heal following dental extractions or other surgical procedures.  


dental BRACES

Latest Braces Options

Ceramic Braces I Clear Braces
Ceramic braces are fixed braces consisting of brackets that are made out of materials that can be entirely transparent and will allow the natural shade of the teeth to show through, or which can be made from ceramic in a shade which matches the colour of the teeth. Fixed braces are often a good option for straightening teeth as they allow the teeth to be repositioned more precisely, and using ceramic brackets helps to make this type of brace much less visible. The ceramic braces can be combined with tooth coloured or clear coloured wires, helping to ensure these braces are discreet as possible.



Tooth Extraction

​Sometimes it is necessary to extract a tooth. This can happen for a variety of reasons. Extractions are commonly performed in cases where a deciduous “baby” tooth is reluctant to fall out, a severely broken down and non-restorable tooth is present, or “wisdom tooth” is poorly positioned and unable to fully erupt into place. To reduce any anxiety and insure patient comfort whenever a tooth extraction is necessary, the procedure, the post surgical instructions, as well as any restorative follow-up care will be carefully and completely explained. 


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